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Here are some things that can make a difference
Volunteer – Food and your Time
There are many organisations, RtL included, that would welcome your input.
Change your buying habits –
Everything we buy, from a litre of milk to a new pair of shoes, needs to be produced and this generates CO2 emissions. Think about where your food is coming from; eat seasonally to avoid transport miles,
Grow your Own – Local Authorities report an increase in demand for allotments; some are offering smaller, tester ones to see how you get on. The benefits of growing your own are manifest:
- Improves your Health through eating nutritious and delicious food,
- Saves money on your grocery bill
- Reduces your environmental impact no pesticides or insecticides
- Provides exercise that is enjoyably physical, relaxing, distressing in the fresh air and sunshine
- Reduces food waste (you pick only what you need)
- Connect with Nature, Learn and experience – plant life cycles, growing seasons, ways of improving your soil, wildlife – pests and friends
- Meet new people if growing communally.
Be picky about packaging: plastic packaging creates a lot of waste and is often difficult to recycle. Try to avoid packaged products and look for refills of products like shampoo.
Take reusable bags to carry your shopping home. And buy kitchen and toilet roll made from recycled paper.
Think twice before upgrading your gadgets. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is the fastest growing category of waste in the EU.
Buying garden furniture or other wooden products? Look for theFSC or PEFC labels that guarantee the wood was harvested in a sustainable manner.
Don’t waste food. Buy only the amount you need, and keep your leftovers for later!
Consider avoiding products that are not in season. Growing food outside its natural environment or normal growing season requires tremendous amounts of water, energy and other resources.
Wash your fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under a running tap. Water your plants with the remaining water.
If you eat meat, replace some of your red meat consumption with chicken, fish or pulses. Switching from beef to chicken can reduce your meal’s carbon footprint by as much as 75%.